Prof Bu'Hussain Hayee
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Ziva is a Consultant Gastroenterologist with a specialist interest in the benign conditions of the upper digestive tract and gastrointestinal functional disease, nutrition and metabolism, liver disease and inflammatory bowel disease.
Ziva had completed her specialty training in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She specialised in hepatology and liver transplant at King’s College Hospital in London. Understanding how good nutrition is key in treatment results, she developed an interest in clinical nutrition early on in her career. Ziva established a Nutrition support team in her home country, became an ESPEN teacher in Clinical Nutrition and is a member of the ESPEN Faculty. She researched the importance of body composition and sarcopenia in chronic liver disease at King’s College Hospital and the changes in body composition in patients with Covid19.
Ziva was appointed Consultant Gastroenterologist with the West Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust and later at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton where she retains her post in the NHs. Ziva led their Nutrition support team and continues to lead the Upper Gastrointestinal Physiology service at UHSussex.
Whilst Ziva is a skilled endoscopist and routinely manages patients with luminal and liver disease, she had over the past decade developed a particular interest in gastrointestinal physiology, with a focus on functional conditions of the upper digestive tract.
Ziva has joined the RefluxUK team in January 2024 and is a member of the RefluxUK multidisciplinary team.